Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lesson #2

My youngest daughter asked me yesterday what does "the sky's the limit" mean?  What a great question, and a great title to this picture I had taken of her recently...  To me, it means to have a vision and to have the courage to go after that dream.  I also just finished Paul Coelho's "The Alchemist", so this topic of finding one's personal legend/going after a dream before it's too late/beating down the fear of failure is foremost in my mind...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Great New Beginnings

After a magical and loving Christmas holiday spent with family far away, I am ready to take on 2012.  The old year has been put to bed and I am full of excitement for the next chapter in my life- because that is what this feels like...  A great new beginning... For all of us.  Happy New Year!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mommy Lesson #1

My daughter had written this in the sand and it went straight to my heart as a sign for my own life...  No more being cautious, no more putting my own feelings second and no more adjusting to someone else's expectations.  It is time to make a wave and start living the life that I had imagined!!!  Funny how wisdom can come from a fearless seven year-old who can spell...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


My husband turns 39 today and I really wanted to celebrate in a big way before the big 4-0. He, on the other hand, just wanted to keep it simple. So I actually listened to him and we ended up having a really wonderful day.

Gifts in the morning before school and work, lunch at a sweet little restaurant with just the two of us, and dinner at home with the girls. Before going to bed tonight, he told me that if his time was up today then he would be die a happy man... 

I remember there are a few moments in my life that I have felt that way- and they were all after I had met him. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

They don't make them like they used to...

While I was buying groceries tonight (last hours of double coupons, but more on THAT later), a young woman behind me shoved her wine-in-a-box to the cashier (who was ringing up my groceries) so she could pick up a magazine to browse while waiting in line. The cashier, who bears a startling resemblance to Maya Angelou, looks at the rude young woman who must have noticed that she is handing a package to a very busy woman in the middle of scanning a lot of groceries, and says, "They don't make them like they used to..."

How funny, and sad. I wonder if that off-handed comment holds much truth. I would like to believe that my generation and the ones who come after, are more tolerant, better prepared and have a deeper understanding of the world as a whole. Comments that pose the younger generation as thoughtless, lazy or unimaginative are very worrisome.

I dislike the trend of "reality" TV and the reach for fame that it nurtures. I dislike the ever-growing technology that "connects" us with others and the illusion it creates that replaces live human interaction. I dislike the trend of giving our children everything and taking away their ability to delay gratification, live simply and appreciate what is around them. I also dislike the tendency to judge a whole group of people and the ease in which I have also been guilty of saying, "When I was a teenager, I never..."

It is more important than ever for us now to be more understanding, tolerant and compassionate. Our world is small and complex. We must not take a little knowledge and color the world with it. Our country is divided by politics. We must respect each other's views because, like it or not, this is a true democracy and all parties are needed to keep the other in check. Our hearts are heavy with so many wars, natural disasters and terrible news as seen and heard daily. We must remember that we are all connected to each other and we can always make a difference.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Show Up and Be Ready

Some people always show up on time, ready to go. My friend is such a person. Whenever we are planning to meet, she would say things like- "I will be there with bells on!" She also makes witty comments about how just showing up will put you there in life.

I am the kind of person who is usually late. I live in the moment and enjoy it so much that I forget about the my next destination. Lately, though, I have been changed my perspective on this matter.

This is partly due to the fact that I am a working mom, and I have found that preparation and the ability to be on time is critical to the entire operation of my household and work. However, I have also come to the conclusion that it is even more critical to show up and be ready for life!

It is far too easy to go on with our busy lives armed with a routine and routine expectations. Sometimes it is the loss of someone we love or a major life episode that reminds us to truly live. Free our emotions, remember the forgotten dreams, be open to what the universe is sending our way... So be present in your life and be ready.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


South Carolina sunrise.  Just wanted to share...